Is it possible?
Case 1. A regional video conference at one global company offices in Jakarta. They are connecting to regional offices in Singapore. Good video and audio quality. They are using a private fiber optic connection.
Case 2. Due diligence in oil & gas industry, presenting data hosted in one country, accessed by companies from different continents. Said to be a successful one, using a thin client technology. Are they using Internet connection? It's silly to invest big money leasing lines to all countries. But using regular line through Internet? For this one case I've been following up with the vendor but they never return with an answer.
We're maintaining an application hosting using thin client technology for several technical applications using 2D/3D visualization. We are currently using it within LAN using 1Gb network--with 2Gb network specially made for intensive users.
Diminta untuk diakses dari seluruh gedung via WiFi, dan dari kantor di Timur Tengah. Amannya sih procure application servers di sana aja. Manage dari sini mestinya masih bisa, as long as applications & graphic rendering dikerjain lokal di sana.
Satu perusahaan yang juga udah pakai di Jkt dan mau bikin di Sumatra aja gak berani langsung tarik dari Jkt. Mereka juga mau bikin apps servers di sana. Aman.
Kalo tarik dari sini, risiko kena dangdutan, user jejeritan, management teriak2.
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