Thursday, November 23, 2006

Quality of Life, and Happiness

How do you measure your happiness? To me it's about enjoying the process. Not preoccupied by reaching the goal and forgetting to enjoy our life with all the people around us.

I remember a conversation with an old friend, which again he stated on our phone conversation last night. He moved from the bustling Jakarta to a smaller town, Banjarmasin. His job assignment in Banjarmasin was supposed to be for 2 years but due to many factors, it was extended and he's been living there for more than 2 years now.

The last time we finally met again, he told me that now he intended to stay there, no intention to go back living in Jakarta. He was once offered a better career back in the company's headquarter in Jakarta, but he rejected it. He told me, he got something very invaluable in his life now that he wouldn't be able to have if he worked and lived in Jakarta--a good quality of life.

What does he mean? Let me retold his "story". Since he now lives in a small city, it takes only a few minutes to go to work. No traffic jams. So he doesn't have to leave home very early like Jakarta citizens do. That results an "extra" time he has with his family in the morning. He can bathe his son and play with him in the morning before leaving for work. "That kind of chance would be very expensive if I lived and worked in Jakarta," he said. I agreed.

Unlike the "slaves" in Jakarta who spend long hours working overtime, my friend goes home from work in reasonable hours. So again he has time to be with his family. He is happy with his life.

Jakarta conditions us to have less and less time for our family, social, and personal lives. Capitalism makes companies make people work almost like slaves, with too much work load, too close deadlines. As if those aren't enough, the horrible traffic drained the rest of the remaining energy that when people get home they have too little time and energy for their family and for their own selves.

Listening to my friend telling how his life was now with glowing expression, made me think. I remember my other friend who's been working VERY hard for several years. For her, going home very late at night is normal. And she only has FIVE days of vacation in a year! That's slavery. But since she was still single, she had chosen to stay with the firm. The pay is big and she needs it to support her family. She's smart, determined, and a real hardworker. But now she has a child she has to leave for 12 or more hours a day. Did she miss the moments as her child grows? I just hope you are always happy Nu :-)

I once read someone told us to stop and look around for a while. Don't run through your life otherwise you will miss many things. It's like what Pak Zuki posted on his blog, from an article written by Arvan Pradiansyah on Republika newspaper:

Di kantor upaya pencapaian target sering membuat saya kehilangan waktu untuk bersosialisasi dan menjalin hubungan dengan para kolega.

Di rumah target-target ini sering membuat kita menomorduakan hubungan yang akrab dengan anggota keluarga. Kita kehilangan saat-saat berharga dengan pasangan dan anak-anak.

Tujuan kita hidup adalah mencari kebahagiaan. Tapi banyak orang yang
mengatakan begini, ''Saya baru bahagia kalau berhasil mencapai

Free translation:

At work, efforts to reach a target often makes me lose time to socialize and make relations with the colleagues.

At home these targets often makes us put the intimate relationship with family members in second place. We lose precious moments with our spouse and children.

Our life objective is to find happiness. But many people say, "I will be happy if I succeed reaching my target."

Anda takkan pernah bahagia karena begitu target tahun ini tercapai,
target tahun depan sudah siap mengejar Anda, bahkan dalam jumlah yang
jauh lebih besar. Kalau saja target tersebut bisa berbicara, inilah
yang akan ia katakan kepada Anda ''Kejarlah Daku, Kau Kukejar!''

Freely translated:

You will never be happy because when this year's target is reached, next year's target is ready to keep you running.

It reminds me of a book I read, entitled "Be Happy." The important thing I learn from the book is this sentence: "If you want to be happy, be happy NOW." There is a caricature: a gravesstone written: Here buried a person who will be happy tomorrow.

Again, to me being happy means enjoying the process. So, don't give so many conditions for yourself to be happy. Be happy RIGHT NOW! :)


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Anonymous said...

Saya sempat bingung ... jadi ... itu tokh? :) anyhow, itu nggak penting. Yang penting nuansa blog ini jadi penuh semangat. Tulisan ini juga asyik, yess ... nikmati hidup ini, jangan sia-siakan ... :)

silverring said...

"Itu nggak penting" maxudnya apa ya pak? memang tuh saya jadinya nulis 2 topik tapi ngga gitu nyambung yak? :-p mestinya dijadiin 2 tulisan yg beda kali yak...

Anonymous said...

oh bukan ... selama ini rada bingung who is silverring ... :-P