Aikido is a fully defensive Japanese martial art. It doesn't have an attack form. We do not kick, punch, or in any other manner, attempt to hurt our opponent. All the waza (techniques) are done using the attacker's force. The greater force the attacker have against us, the greater the force would go back to him/her.
Aikido doesn't only have techniques in standing position, but also in sitting position. When I see a suwari waza (techniques in sitting position), I often imagine Japan in samurai and shogunate time. People might be attacked when they were sitting--maybe in their homes, or in a teahouse, or in a bath house...
Aikido uses the attacker's force by sending the force back and sending the attacker off balance. When the attacker falls down we pin him down but we don't kick, punch or hit him.
A writing by Charlie Badenhop below explains about the meaning of aikido.
The meaning of Aikido:
合 "Ai" To gather or harmonize.
気 "Ki" Universal life force/energy.
This is the energy that we share with nature and all living beings.
道 "Do" An artful path of discovery.
"Aikido" An artful path of discovering how to gather and harmonize the energy of the universe.
When we sense and move with the energy that is manifesting throughout the universe we find that we have a greater ability to live a life that is healthy and fulfilling.
In Aikido we believe that all human beings utilize and share a common energy source (ki) that helps to run and maintain our environment as well as our individual human systems. We believe that since we all share a common energy source, that in some important way we are all truly members of the same family, and truly sharing our lives with all of nature. We do not have an attack form in Aikido, because attacking an opponent would be like attacking a family member that you love. Attacking an opponent would also be like attempting to damage the flow of Universal energy in the world, and such acts are likely to have many far reaching consequences.
In the Japanese language words that use the concept of "ki" are common.
"Gen-ki" means "root energy" or one's "personal health".
"Ten-ki" relates to "heavenly energy" or "the weather".
"Hon-ki" relates to "original energy" or "the truth".
"Yuu-ki" relates to "brave energy" or "courage".
"Ki o tsukete" means "attach your energy to what you are doing, or "be careful".
The origin of ki?
Where does ki originate from? In Aikido the answer is poetic in nature rather than scientific. It is suggested that ki was "born" at the same instant as the rest of the universe, and that we are all born from the ki of the universe. Ki is considered to be an energy that we all have equal access to. It is an energy that courses through our system if we do not restrict it. In Aikido we believe that excess tension physically and emotionally, fear, hate, greed, and anger, all cut us off from the universal source of ki. Our daily practice involves working at maintaining a balanced state physically and emotionally, and indeed, practicing ways to cultivate physical and emotional balance is much of what the study of Aikido is about. In Aikido physical and emotional balance are meant to be two sides of the very same coin. Physical balance helps to engender emotional balance and health, and vice versa as well. Often in my professional work with individuals I find myself first addressing the clients' physical balance when they come wanting to resolve emotional issues, and I do the reverse as well. I often first address or explore how emotional imbalance might lead to the physical difficulties they are experiencing.
Means when we have physical issues, we should address our emotional balance, vice versa?
Source: The Ki of Aikido - An Oriental Concept of "Energy" "Self" and "Mind"
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Buat semua teman2 di dojo PTIK yang sempat saya kenal:
Pur sensei, Dedi sensei, mas Adi, mas Andi, Uswan, Isya, Cuncun, Artul, Tari, mas Pur,... juga yang cuma ketemu sebentar kayak mas Yarring (mungkin orangnya udh lupa sama saya).
Oya, tidak melupakan Hasnul sensei :-) kalo yg ini sih masih ketemu sekali2...
Deki - temen sejak kecil, temen setia termasuk selama latian aikido bareng... selalu menjemput mengantar diriku (karena gw bukan jelangkung yang tak dijemput tak diantar)
Pur sensei yang selalu memberi semangat agar rajin latihan...
Uswan yang selalu meng-encourage gw untuk cari "celah" yang pas waktu zagikokyuho... dan menggemari badge Powerpuff Girls gw..
Isya yang janji nraktir tapi tak pernah dipenuhi ;-p
BTW, merid ga ngundang2...!
Yah pokoknya semua temen2, sensei sempai,... apa kabar semuanya? Kalau ada yang baca tulisan ini, kontak dong...
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