Tuesday, February 27, 2007

The original "vetsin"

Eureka! - a discovery in a supermarket.

Kita udah kenal banget dengan istilah "vetsin" yang dipakai sebagai kosakata sehari-hari untuk bumbu penyedap rasa / MSG. Akhirnya, gw menemukan "vetsin" yang asli, the vetsin. Sang "vetsin". Sang penyebab timbulnya kosakata itu menjadi kata pengganti untuk MSG.


Nasibnya sama seperti Odol, yang sebenarnya juga merk dagang yang udah jadi kata pengganti untuk pasta gigi. Kasiannya, nasib vetsin agak sedikit jelek, karena udah ada turunan katanya, yaitu "mecin". Hihi...

Thursday, February 08, 2007

Ajakan buang sampah

Yg bikin plang ini musti belajar komunikasi visual dweh..

Sent from my mobile phone.


Sebenernya, kenapa ya kita tetep tinggal di Jakarta?

J (dari berbagai orang):

"No choice. Kota lain di Indonesia ngga banyak peluang kerja, fasilitas, dst.  Liat aja anak2 baru lulus kuliah langsung berhamburan ke Jakarta cari kerja."

"Kota lain di Indon ngga asik. Sepi. Pasti bosen."

"Ya di Jakarta apa aja bisa jadi duit!  Jadi Mr.Cepek aja bisa dapet duit. Jadi tukang minta-minta malah lebih kaya daripada kerja jadi tukang cuci, capek, dapetnya Cuma dikit."

"Omong omong soal slogan inget slogan yg di pajang di Tol Cikampek waktu lebaran, “Macet Ora Macet Sing Penting Mudik”. Lha kl banjir slogan yg cocok ”Banjir Ora Banjir Sing Penting Nang Jakarta”..ibu Kota gitu loch...."



Seandainya uang tidak menjadi masalah dan lo punya kesempatan, apa lo mau pindah ke luar Indonesia?


"YA!  Ngeri di Indonesia rakyat cuma jadi korban keserakahan oknum2 yang berkuasa.  Banjir ini salah satu contohnya."

"Kalo uang nggak masalah?? Ya pindah lah. Kalo perlu sodara2 sekampung diboyong semua. Nggak tega ninggalin mereka di Indonesia, kayak begini keadaannya..."

"Walaupun Indon ini tanah airku, tapi pengelolanya (pemerintah -red.) nggak bener, bisa2 kita jadi korban terus kalo terus2an tinggal di sini."

"Iya. Maunya ke negara lain yg lebih rapi, bersih, teratur, aman, dan sistemnya bagus.  Yah sedih sih ninggalin negri ini, tapi bukannya kita memang mungkin harus hijrah, bikin perubahan demi menyelamatkan keluarga?"


Jakarta: City of Water

So Jakarta becomes Venice - no, not in a good way.  It's flooded by the pouring rain.  Environmental issue.  Economic issue.  Educational issue.  Social issue.  This flood issue is too complex an issue.  Can I write it in simple words, with a simple mind? 
It's about flood...
Environmental issue = flood
Too many buildings, most lands are covered by concrete, unable to absorb water.  Beside causing flood, this issue also causes erosion, landslide.  This is because the government is not strict about law and regulations.  Money talks, and it's because of economic issue and greed (still).
People use water as if it we will have abundant of water forever.  Many do it out of lack of knowledge and education.  I have a very close example from my mom's experience.  Once she was talking with a neighbor's house maid when the maid was using water improvidently(?).  Mom told the maid to use water wisely.  The maid commented that it was "just" water coming from the ground - as if it will be available forever.  We can see that she thinks that way because she doesn't have enough knowledge and education about natural science as simple as the cycle of water in nature (water evaporation, how rain happens, and so on).
These issues of education caused by the mismanagement of this country.  If the government understand how important is education to environment, they could and should make advancements in our education for the young generation and execute environmental campaign for all communities.
Although it is very likely that they don't have enough budget for those long-term programs, but if the country's management (a.k.a. government) are committed to this country and the people, there should always be a way.
Economic issue => flood
The government's and the people's economic situation.  You know.  This affects the LAW... even governmental persons who should be keeping the law break it!  Just to get MONEY...  The very low salary could be one of the causes.  Illegal buildings and "legal" ones are popping out like crazy, covering the earth.
Educational Issue => flood
'Unstable' curricula.  Expensive education.  Lack of budget and funding for education.  Maybe the government don't realize the importance because this is long term.
Udah deh.